Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University | RE-ACCREDITED BY NAAC WITH B+ GRADE - 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Thinking minds club


Clarice: Are those painting based on real places?
Dr Lecter: Do you know Florence?
Clarice: Are they from memory, sir?
Dr Lecter: Agent Starling, memory and imagination is all I have.

“I think therefore I am” said the great Rene Descartes accentuating the importance and vitality of thinking in our daily lives. Minus thinking the entire human race can be easily deduced to primal animals that only go after bodily satisfactions and sensual pleasures. Hence, without thinking there is no being, and without either there is no “us”. The purpose of this sub-committee is twofold: first, to make learning more fun by excavating the hidden potentials of our students; and, second, to make thinking and imagining more free and liberal. If one was to put the purpose of the “Thinking Minds” sub-committee in a one-liner, it would be: to think out of the box. As Tagore opines, “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high/Where knowledge is free” paralleling Einstein’s exhortation, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” One, therefore, can accurately gauge the necessity of thinking! Besides, the teachers and the students who are part of this committee are certainly striving to imagine and think by dint of their paintings, poetry, comic and/or manga art and other outside-the-box hidden talents they have.

Lastly, the Thinking Minds committee shall in all respect try its utmost to explore the oodles of hidden potentials that our students possess. Moreover, in the words of Coleridge, imagination “dissolves, diffuses and dissipates in order to recreate.”


Committee Members 2024-25

Name Designation
Mr.Debadyuti Karmakar (convenor)
Dr.Puja Biswas -
Dr. Sharmistha Mitra -
Dr. Mousumi Bose -
Isha sarder (sem-V) Student volunteers
Subhajit mandal (sem-V)
Surajit gope (sem-V).
Rikta Bhattacharya (sem-V)
Tilottama Dutta (sem-I)
Saptaparna Kundu (sem-I)
Riya Barman (sem-I)
Sayan Majumder (sem-I)
Srinjana Patra. (sem-II)
Priya Dey (sem-II)
Sreemoyee Das (sem-II)



WORKSHOP ON “Creative Writing”