Student Supports Services
About The Student Credit Card Scheme
The Student Credit Card Scheme provides financial support/ assistance by the State Government at a nominal interest rate to the students residing in West Bengal for at least 10 years and pursuing higher education from class X onwards or studying in various coaching institutes for appearing in different competitive examinations. Under this scheme the aspiring students may upon fulfilling the terms and conditions, obtain maximum loan of Rs 10 lakhs at the rate of 4% simple interest rate from State Cooperative Banks and its affiliated Central Cooperative Bank and District Central Cooperative Bank and Public Sector/ Private Sector Banks operating in state of West Bengal.
Activities Conducted By The College With Regard To Student Credit Card Scheme
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya College in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college has organized a ‘State Level Virtual Awareness Camp for Student week Celebration (2022) on “Student Credit Card” on 6th January, 2022 via online platform from 2.30pm onwards.
Contact Person(s):
Post | Name | Designation | Contact |
Nodal Officer | Ms Puja Biswas | Assistant Professor (Economics) | |
Help Desk Officer | Mr Biswadeep Roy | Assistant Professor (Commerce) | |
College Staff | Mr Surojit Chowdhury | Non-Teaching Staff | 7003737142 |
Regulation, Policy & Manual of the Scheme

Inaugural Speech by Dr. Partha Sarathi Dutta (Teacher-in-Charge) at Online Workshop

Ms Puja Biswas, Nodal Officer explaining the Scheme at Online Workshop