Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University | RE-ACCREDITED BY NAAC WITH B+ GRADE - 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

About Library

With space for 50 readers to sit at a time, the Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya Central Library is located on the first floor of the college's main building. The library's collection of text and reference books has grown significantly, and its vast collection of over 21,000 volumes perfectly meets the diverse needs of students and teachers alike. Every year, a new batch of books is added to the collection. There is one Central Library and sixteen Seminar Libraries (also known as Departmental Libraries) in the P.C.M. Mahavidyalaya Library system. In addition to lending out books, the library offers a reading area for instructors and students, reprographic services when needed, access to e-learning materials, and a career advisory section with study guides for competitive exams. Additionally, the family of Prof. (Dr.) Purnendu Basu, the first vice-chancellor (academic) of the University of Calcutta, offered a small collection of old and rare books to it. Inside the library, efforts are made to preserve a serene and quiet study environment. The library offers its patrons free WiFi and open access. For security purposes, the library uses CCTV surveillance.

Quality Initiatives taken in the Library



  • Introduced Reprography service for students and teachers
  • Koha software installed in the library as Library Management System replacing SOUL 2.0
  • Introduced Best Library User Award to encourage students to use the library resources
  • Decision taken for purchasing more number of books in every year




  • Increased speed of Internet connectivity
  • Separate career counseling cell established in the library
  • Online previous years question bank repository prepared




  • Separate Reading Space prepared for Teachers
  • Separate Computer Lab prepared for Students inside the library
  • Separate Computer Lab prepared for Teachers inside the library
  • More computers purchased for students and teachers




  • Increased CCTV coverage area
  • QR Code based access facility
  • Collection for competitive examination increased. More number of magazines and newspapers subscribed
  • Entry-in-Service registration and user assistance done through library to encourage students regarding competitive examination




  • Free high speed Wi-Fi facility to all users in the library premises
  • More user awareness programmes organized for students regarding N-LIST registration and access, use of free and open access resources, Open Educational Resources, etc.
  • Koha cloud service installed. Now user can access library catalogue outside the library premises
  • Book exhibition organized with B.K.C. College
  • Purnendu Basu Old and Rare Book Collection organized and introduced
  • Number of books for lending is increased from 2 books to 3 book at a time for students
  • Increased number of departmental seminar library




  • Separate display rack prepared to show the publication of our college teachers
  • Increased number of books for competitive examination
  • OPAC Service (Through Koha cloud) extended. Now user can renew their books from outside the library premises also
  • More user friendly QR Code based access introduced in the library

Library Membership

Library offers to all the regular students, faculties and staff for library membership. Ex-Students are also allowed to use the library with the help of external membership norm.

Library Hours

Day Time
Monday to Friday 10.15 A.M. – 5.15 P.M.
Saturday 10.15 A.M. – 3.15 P.M.
Sunday Closed
  • Reference and Reading section 10.30 A.M – 5.00 P.M

  • The library remains open on working days except holidays and Sundays


  • User Awareness Programme: At the beginning of every academic session, awareness programmes for first semester students are organized to get them acquainted with the library collection, rules and regulations and the various services available.
  • Reading Room Service: The library has one Reading Room for students and a separate room for teachers. Students may borrow more than one book for reading room at a time against identity card or library reference card. Both reference books and text books are issued at the Reading Room.
  • Lending Service / Circulation
  • Reference Service
  • Internet facility through LAN & Wi-Fi: 8 LAN-connected desktops are available for students and teachers in the library with internet facilities through LAN. These computers are used to access the various library resources to which the College has subscribed. The library provides free Wi-Fi access also.
  • Automated Library: The Library uses web-centric Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) through which the bibliographic database of P. C. M. Mahavidyalaya can be accessed using the following link: 24 hours everyday. This link provides seamless access to various learning resources and repositories including digital catalogue, open access e-books/ e-Journals/ Theses & dissertations, etc. User can renew the books from their home also through their user credentials. The library is using Koha software as LMS since 2019.
  • Display of New Arrivals. Newly purchased book jackets and books are displayed.
  • E-Access: The library subscribes to N-LIST INFLIBNET service which offers access to more than 1,99,000+ e-books and 6,000+ e-Journals to students and faculty.
  • Career Guidance Books: Books related to different competitive examinations (such as NET/SET Exam, Civil Service, SSC, Bank etc.) and current events, news, information, general knowledge etc. for career/service and other documents are separately available for consultation only in the Reading Room of the library.
  • Reprographic Service: This service is provided to the readers as and when required.

Borrowing privileges to users

Category Entitlement Duration of Borrowing Penalty for Return After Due Date
Students (Hons.) 3 Books 15 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
Students (General) 3 Books 15 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
Whole Time Professor 10 Books 30 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
SACT Professor 5 Books 30 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
Guest Professor 1 Books 7 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
Non-Teaching Staff 5 Books 30 Days Rs. 1 per day per book
Non-Teaching Staff (Casual) 1 Books 7 Days Rs. 1 per day per book

Library Rules & Regulations

  1. Library / Identity card is must for all library transactions. Library cards are non-transferable.

  2. Members are allowed to use reading room for reading purposes on submission of their reading cards.

  3. The members have open access to the library. So members have to keep their bags (excluding purse & mobile) in the baggage counter

  4. Users should ensure that when browsing through books they replace the item from where it was taken, according to the shelf arrangement. Feel free to seek staff assistance for replacing the books.

  5. Users should avoid taking out several volumes of journals and books at any one moment.

  6. The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.

  7. The Students may borrow books for 15 days and may renew the same for additional 15 days.

  8. Loss of library cards should be reported immediately to the authority.

  9. Users should fully cooperate with the library staff. In case of any need they should meet the Librarian.

  10. Readers are liable to pay fine and / or punishment if they misuse / damage any books or journals.

  11. Ex-Students and Visitors can avail reading facility by taking special permission from the Principal of the college.

  12. Users are requested to maintain silence in the library.

  13. Usage of mobile phone other than study purpose is prohibited.

  14. The library is a no-smoking zone.

  15. Personal books are not allowed in the library.

  16. The Librarian may change any working days and hours if necessary.

  17. The persistent defaulters of library rules will have their library services suspended.


Title View
Rules for Computer Use View
Xerox and Print Rules View

Contact Library

Soumen Mondal
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya,
111/3, B. T. Road, Kolkata - 700108
Phone: 86971 69513 (Office)
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
