Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Internal Complaints Committee

About the Internal Complaints Committee

To ensure gender equality, it is essential to create a safe work environment that is free from gender based discrimination. Any form of sexual harassment violates basic human rights. Every individual deserves a workplace that is secure in all ways.

Our college follows a Zero Tolerance policy towards sexual harassment. The Internal Complaints Committee has been formed as per the directives of the University Grants Commission and West Bengal State Commission for Women.

The Internal Complaints Committee aims to address complaints of sexual harassment lodged by any student, member of the faculty or staff of the college. The Committee closely abides by the mandatory guidelines laid down for every stakeholder of the college by the Sexual Harassment Act ( Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013) and the University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations 2015 on 02.05.2016. The Committee provides a sound mechanism to redress the grievances pertaining to sexual harassment at workplace.

Complaint Form:

An aggrieved person can submit a complaint through the following link:

Working of Internal Complaints Committee

  • All complaints will be dealt with confidentiality.

  • Only matters pertaining to sexual harassment and/or discrimination of staff and students will be under the jurisdiction of ICC.

  • All students and staff are bound to obey the rules specified in the College Manual and any complaint regarding the same is not under the purview of the ICC

ICC Policy:

ICC Policy Document

Information regarding the Acts, Rules and Functions of ICC are available below:

Composition of Internal Complaints Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee of Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya has been formed as per the directives of the University Grants Commission and West Bengal State Commission for Women.

The Composition of the Grievance Redressal Cell is as follows

Composition of ICC (PDF)

Post Name of Faculty Member Designation
Presiding Officer Dr Somdatta Ghosh Kar Associate Professor
Faculty Member Representative Mr Krishnapada Jana Associate Professor
Faculty Member Representative Dr Sreyasi Chatterjee Assistant Professor
Non-Teaching Employee Representative Mr. Tapan Kumar Dhali Head Clerk
Non-Teaching Employee Representative Ms. Sarathi Hansda Lady Attendant
NGO Representative (External Member) Ms Sanjita Mukherjee Founder, Sobar Poth
Lawyer Representative (External Member) Ms. Anna Malhotra Advocate
Student Representatives Sukhendu Bhadra and Ritika Lahiri Students of PCMM

Activity of Internal Complaints Committee

Banner of Webinar

Ms Sirsha Gupta, Programme Officer, Sanhita: Gender Resource Center delivering her presentation