Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University | RE-ACCREDITED BY NAAC WITH B+ GRADE - 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

About The Department

‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep’- William Shakespeare: The Tempest

The Department of English has already established itself as one of the premier departments of the college offering courses in both B.A. English (Honours) and B.A. English (Programme) in the semester pattern under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of West Bengal State University. The faculty members are constantly engaged in innovative teaching and research in various emerging domains. The Department seeks to nurture the faint dreams in the young learners who are motivated to give meaningful shape to their dreams. The faculty members constantly strive for exciting the students to think, to imagine and to dream. The Department endeavours to inculcate critical and innovative thinking in students by suitably integrating the prescribed courses with real life examples. The Department fuses traditional lecture method with the ICT-enabled innovative teaching methodology and offers greater academic exposure to students by engaging them meaningfully in different academic programmes like Special Lecture, seminars etc regularly undertaken by the Dept. In addition to the well-stocked central library the students avail of departmental library that has a good collection of important books and journals. We constantly strive for excellence in academic domain by adapting to the changes around us, and the Department has successfully maintained rapport with the students even in exceptionally challenging time that visits us in this year, 2020. The Dept is sensitive to the creative impulse of young minds and publishes the Wall Magazine/webzine PALIMPSESTS that showcases the imprints of creative potentiality of our young learners. The Dept. believes in the holistic development of students and thus is alert to the psycho-social issues that they may experience. The young, dynamic teachers not only transform learning in college as fun and life-changing experience, but also help them prepare themselves to face the challenges of life.